This Website gives you an opportunity to check whether you possess to certain type of cancer.Visit my work.
I am a Student at VCET, Pursuing Bachelor of Engineering on Computer Science Engineering.
I intend to be a part of an organization where I can constantly learn and develop my technical and management skills and make the best use of it for the growth of the organization and myself. I look forward to establishing myself by adapting new Technologies as well.
A good learner, makes a mistake and learn and don't Repeat.
Budding Software Developer with primary focus on
Java and Javascript:
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This Website gives you an opportunity to check whether you possess to certain type of cancer.Visit my work.
This Website helps in calculating your bank inerest for your loan by providing the required information. Visit my work.
This Website makes you save the amount of papers wasted in your school days on playing X and O. Visit my work.
Java |
Python |
ReactNative |
Django |
Javascript |
Bootstrap3 |
ReactJs |
Nodejs |
MySql |
Android |
Angular |
Git |